The Otterbein Public Library boasts a huge collection of a wide variety of media, from books and audiobooks to DVD/Blu-ray movies and television series to video games and more!
We have thousands of books, as you might expect. Our library’s collection easily rivals the collections you might see in small cities, with populations five times that of the town of Otterbein!
Our collection of movies and television series on DVD and Blu-ray is extensive as well.
From Doctor Who to The Walking Dead, we have many options to entertain our patrons!
We are also one of the few libraries in Indiana that offer video games in our collection, ready to plug into your Nintendo Wii, Sony Playstation 3, PS4, Microsoft Xbox 360 and Xbox One!
Remember, if we don’t have what you want here on our shelves, there’s a strong chance that another library in the Evergreen Indiana system does have your desired item!