Superheroes, Assemble!

Superhero Ball

Batman, Spider-Man, Thor, Captain America, The Flash, two of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Hulk, and even Thanos were seen at the Otterbein Public Library’s inaugural Superhero Ball on Saturday, September 21, 2019. The tough guys brought their moms and grandmas, dressed as Wonder Woman and Supergirl, to the library for a story, craft, and dancing. Fifty-five total kids and adults attended the mother-son event.

Thank you to everyone who came and donated, and made this event a super success!

Otterbein Halloween Bash

OPL and the Town of Otterbein are partnering together to bring you a family-friendly Halloween Bash on Saturday, October 26 at 5pm! Come dressed in costume for music, dancing, hot chocolate, games, costume parade, and more in Thompson Park & Downtown Otterbein!

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