The Otterbein 150 Project was a featured focus of the Otterbein Public Library throughout 2022, for the town of Otterbein’s Sesquicentennial year, 1872-2022. This limited engagement project was formed to preserve the history of Otterbein, IN and its people for the next 150 years.
The library hosted an exhibit August 4-December 31, 2022 titled “Otterbein Artifacts: History Preserved”. This exhibit consisted of items loaned and donated by the Otterbein community, showcasing the history of the people and businesses that have resided in the area. We were honored to showcase of 250 different items from 75 donors, some sending in items from as far away as Colorado.
In lieu of publishing a book of Otterbein’s history, the project committee decided to share what we were able to ascertain about the town and its history online, for all the access in a free format accessible from anywhere in the world. This page is ever-evolving, but we intend to share photos of the town’s history, as well as images from the 2022 exhibit to commemorate the history showcased.
We also encourage you to follow the project on Facebook at facebook.com/otterbein150.
For questions regarding this page or to learn more about the Otterbein 150 Project, please contact Project Manager Brooke Sauter at otterbein150@gmail.com. Thank you for your support of this project. You are helping to preserve the history of the Town of Otterbein and its vibrant community for the next 150 years!

Compliation images created to show a timeline of history through Otterbein. These were displayed as bullitin boards throughout the library during the run of the exhibit.

View images from the display, taken 8.4.22.