2019 SRP: SkyDome Planetarium

We’re welcoming the SkyDome inflatable planetarium to Otterbein on Thursday, June 6 at 10:30am!
Kids and parents can join us at the Otterbein Elementary gym for a 45 minute journey through the solar system.
Free to attend, no registration

Homeschool Book Club

We’re meeting on Friday, March 8 at 1pm to discuss Terrier by Tamora Pierce and Louisiana’s Way Home by Kate DiCamillo.
We’ll also be picking out our next books for discussion.
Homeschool Book Club is open to all homeschoolers

Congrats Wyatt!

Way to go, Wyatt! He’s the newest member of our 1KB4K Club.
Visit the library today and sign your little ones up for 1000 Books Before Kindergarten!

Yoga Mondays

Join us every Monday at 6pm for yoga!

Adults, free (but donations keep library programs running!), no registration

Letters 2 Santa

We got a visit from Santa’s elves this morning! Thank you Benton Community Foundation. We’ve got some exciting things planned for 2019’s SRP, A Universe of Stories!