1-Day-Only Curbside Service

Breaking news!
You “otter” join us tomorrow, March 24, for our 1-day- only curbside service! From 12-4pm, you’ll have the opportunity to call and request library materials for check out. Give us a few minutes to fill your order, then head on over to the library. We will bag up your items and bring them out to your car.
Visit evergreen.lib.in.us, make sure to set the search to Otterbein Public Library, and browse our catalog. You can call 765-583-2107 to place your order.
Please continue to follow our social media and check our website for any library updates.

You “otter” try: Stop Motion!

We LOVE the Stop Motion app for iPhone and Android! It’s a great boredom buster and STEM activity. Simply download the app, collect some objects from around the house (LEGOs, stuffed animals, literally anything!), and start creating! Here’s a tutorial video and take a look at our quick guide below.

Library Update

We love you. We miss you. We hope to see you soon! And we are here for you now.
We’re at the library Monday-Friday from 12-4pm for your phone questions. Curbside Services for checkouts are every Mondays from 12-4pm. Computer Services are 12-4pm Tuesday-Friday by appointment.
Call us at 765-583-2107 or visit our website opl.lib.in.us/contact-us for email addresses.

Storytime Songs & Rhymes

Missing storytime? Check out Jbrary‘s Youtube page! Dana and Lindsey are two children’s librarians with a huge catalog of storytime songs and rhymes. And a lot of your favorite storytime songs come from Jbrary!

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