All patrons using the library computers must agree to follow the Computer Use Policy:
1. Public access computers and wireless Internet access are provided to adult and school age
patrons. Patrons younger than 18 years must have a signed guardian’s consent form on file to use
the unfiltered Internet (appendix B).
2. Unacceptable use of library computers will lead to disciplinary action, including loss of computer
use privileges. Unacceptable use includes, but is not limited to:
Disrupting other computer users
Displaying obscene material
Tampering with computer software or hardware
Actions which violate federal, state, or local laws
3. Patrons who wish to use a computer must request a computer at the service desk. Library staff
will assign patrons to a computer. Once assigned a computer, patrons may not switch computers
without staff permission and will be limited to one hour of use. Staff may allow patrons to continue
use after one hour if no other patrons are waiting.
4. The library is not responsible for lost information in the event of power or equipment failure.
[Adopted 10/2010; Revised 11/2011, 6/2012, 09/2012, 12/2013; Reviewed 3/2015, 02/2018, 02/2019, 01/2020, 02/2021, 02/2022]